

You have questions and we have answers. Our years of trial experience means that we can guide you to getting the help you need.

Seek medical attention first. Once stable, document the incident, take photos/ videos, gather contact information from witnesses, and contact Dermer Law Firm.

Just call us! If you’re on the fence, we’ll get you off of it. We’ll give you our advice free of charge whether we take the case or not.

 A good attorney has experience in personal injury law, a track record of successful cases, effective communication skills, and a commitment to advocating for their clients’ rights and interests. A great attorney can do all of that plus make you laugh.

While we’re unlike many personal injury firms in our service and commitment to our clients, we are similar however in the fee arrangement. We work on contingency, meaning we don’t get paid unless we win. If we don’t get you a dime, you don’t owe us a dime.

You may be eligible to claim past and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other relevant costs. An attorney can guide you through the specifics.

Yes, in Florida there is a statute of limitations of 2 years from the date of the incident. If you’ve been in an accident, the clock has already started to tick. Don’t delay, call Dermer Law Firm today.

It takes a seasoned attorney to know where to look. Sometimes companies hide insurance policies. We’ll do a deep dive to discover the truth.

Some cases settle quickly, while others may take months or even years. The duration varies depending on the complexity of the case.

Avoid posting anything about you or the case on social media, avoid signing documents without consulting your attorney, and do not accept any settlement offers without proper legal advice. *DO NOT TALK TO THE OTHER SIDE’S INSURANCE COMPANY.*

Not necessarily. Many cases are settled through negotiation, mediation, or alternative dispute resolution. As a trial law firm, we will take the case to trial if the other side doesn’t cooperate. In those cases you will need to go to court to sit with us at our counsel’s table and testify. After all, you are the star of the show and it can’t go on without you.

Absolutely. You have the right to change attorneys if you’re not satisfied. However, it’s essential to consider the implications and discuss your concerns with your current attorney first.

Documentation of the incident, medical records, photographs, videos, witness statements, and any relevant correspondence or communication are essential pieces of evidence. Of course, your voice is the most important–it is our job to ensure you are not only heard, but understood.

Yes. in Florida, as long as you are 50% or less at fault you have a valid claim. It’s important you discuss with an attorney to see how percentages get assigned in accident cases.

You don’t. Let your attorney do all the talking for you. Refrain from providing recorded statements without your attorney present.

Document Signing - Successful Litigation
Accident? Injured?

Don't Delay
Call Jay!

We offer free consultations and we charge no fees unless we win!